4 Inlets Hydrant Siamese Fire Fighting Pipe Laying Water Collector

4 Inlets Hydrant Siamese Fire Fighting Pipe Laying Water Collector

100mm-150mm High Quality Concentrated Multi-Size Hose Hydrant Siamese For Firefighting



Products Description

A 4 inlets hydrant Siamese is a firefighting appliance that allows four separate hoses, usually coming from different water supplies, to feed into a single hose or pipe, which can then supply a large volume of water to a fire engine or directly to fire hoses. When using a Siamese with multiple inlets, the goal is to maximize the available water flow to deal with fires that require a considerable amount of water to extinguish, such as those involving large structures or high-rise buildings.

Key features and considerations for a 4 inlets hydrant Siamese include:

  • Increased Water Supply: The main advantage is the significant increase in water volume provided by combining multiple hydrants into one supply line, which can be essential in combatting large-scale fires.

  • Pressure Management: Balancing the pressure from all four inlets is critical to ensure an effective and controlled water flow. The appliance must be designed to handle fluctuations in water pressure from the different sources.

  • Check Valves: Each inlet likely has a check valve (also known as a clapper valve) to prevent water from flowing back into the other connected lines, ensuring a consistent flow in the event that one source fails or its pressure drops significantly.

  • Control Valves: It’s common for these appliances to have control valves on each inlet so that the flow of water from each source can be individually controlled, regulated, or shut off if needed.

  • Quality Construction: A 4 inlets Siamese is typically constructed from high-strength, corrosion-resistant materials that can withstand both the mechanical stresses and the environmental conditions encountered during firefighting.

  • Gauges: Pressure gauges may be attached to the appliance to monitor the input pressure from each inlet, allowing for adjustments to the water flow as necessary.

  • Pipe Laying: In firefighting, pipe laying refers to the process of laying out and connecting hose lines from water sources to the scene of the fire. With a 4 inlets hydrant Siamese, this process involves connecting hoses from possibly distant hydrants to the appliance to supply a large volume of water needed.

  • Standardization of Fittings: To ensure interoperability, the couplings used on fire hydrants, hoses, and appliances like the Siamese are generally standardized within a fire department or region.

When deploying a 4 inlets hydrant Siamese, firefighters need to consider the logistics of connecting multiple hoses from potentially far-apart hydrants, the placement of the Siamese to optimize water supply, manning required to manage the setup, and any potential impact on water supply such as reduced pressure or volume to the rest of the hydrant system.

Having such equipment is critical in urban firefighting scenarios, where a single hydrant might not provide sufficient water to extinguish a fire in a large or densely constructed building. Fire departments that may encounter severe blazes carry this kind of equipment as part of their standard apparatus.




Specs Size Of
Water Inlet
Size Of
Water Outlet
Number Of
Water Outlet
Valve Type
4 Water Inlets
Hydrant Siamese
100mm 65mm 4 Optional
125mm 65mm
150mm 65mm

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